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时间:2023-08-07 15:15:05 编辑:九叠君 来源:九叠篆网


In recent years, the domestic collecting market has been booming, and the prices of many ancient coins have risen sharply. Among them, Huangsong Tongbao is the one with the greatest appreciation. It is reported that at an auction in Shanghai, Wang Song Tongbao was sold. This imperial Song Tongbao seal book has two reflections. It turned out to be 522,000,000 high-priced deals. The whole ancient coin market has entered another climax. According to. Industry insiders analyze the hot scenario of ancient coins operating in gold and silver coin market, which will not change much in the next few years, and deserves the continuous attention of collectors.

皇宋通宝,中国古代钱币之一。北宋仁宗 ,宝元二年至皇祐末年(公元1039年~公元1053年)铸,非年号钱。钱文有篆书,楷书对钱,光背。有小平、折二两种,有铁钱。篆书中另有 者,极其罕有,为古泉大珍。

Emperor Song Tongbao, one of the ancient Chinese coins. Renzong in the Northern Song Dynasty was cast from the second year of Baoyuan to the last year of Huangyou (1039-1053 AD). It was not a year old money. Qian Wen has seal books, regular s for money, bare back. There are two kinds: Xiaoping and discount, and iron money. Others in seal books are extremely rare, and they are treasures of ancient springs.


Among the numerous editions of Huangsong Tongbao coins, there is a coin commonly known as "Huangsong Jiudiao Seal". Nine-fold seals, also known as the big seals above, were not made in Qin and Han Dynasties. Since Tang and Song Dynasties, they have been mostly used on official seals. Nine-fold seals are based on small seals. The strokes are folded repeatedly, twisted and buckled, and the dotted seals are in both vertical and horizontal directions. The blank parts are filled to obtain uniformity. "Ququ Pingman" is the biggest feature of Jiuzi seal calligraphy. The number of folds and the number of folds of each word depend on the complexity of the strokes. There are five folds, six folds, seven folds, eight folds, nine folds and ten folds. It is called Jiuzi, which means that the number of nine is the end, and the number of words is the most, "describing the number of folds. Nine-fold seals were prevalent in Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, and they have continued to this day. This kind of "nine-fold seal" is used in money and prose. Among thousands of ancient coins, "Emperor Song Tongbao" is only an isolated case. Therefore, it is regarded as a rare treasure by collectors of past dynas


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